Associate Professor

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> Director of studies :
Julien Lachuer

Vice Dean for the Studies & Training Programs

My research is mainly in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its impact on financial performance and accounting of companies. They aim to characterize the nature and strength of the effects of the liability level on the profitability, risk, refinancing cost and intangible values of firms. Using quantitative (multi-criteria analysis) and qualitative (discourse analysis, Alceste, Nvivo) methodologies, this research aims to improve the understanding of extra-financial risk and the recent transformations of companies (corporate purpose) and markets (UN Sustainable Development Goal).


Corporate Social,Environmental and Social Responsibility (CSR) and its impact on financial performance


Keywords: CSR, Financial performance, Accounting, discourse

  • Accounting,
  • Management Control,
  • Finance and CSR

Julien Lachuer, Sébastien Jost. Financial and extra-financial determinants of CEOs’ sustainable discourse: a longitudinal analysis on the US market. Management international = International management = Gestión internacional, 2023, 27 (5), pp.37-52.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Author(s) : Julien LACHUER
Managerial Control
Julien Lachuer, Sami Ben Jabeur. Explainable artificial intelligence modeling for corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Journal of Asset Management, 2022,
Link to the publication (HAL)
Author(s) : Julien LACHUER
Managerial Control
Jean-Jacques Lilti, Julien Lachuer. Do sustainability reports make sense for asset selection?. Management international = International management = Gestión internacional, 2021, 25 (2), pp.88-106.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Managerial Control, Finance
Julien Lachuer, Jean-Jacques Lilti. Performance globale et discours responsable des PDG : analyse sur 132 entreprises du SP 500. Revue management
Link to the publication (HAL)
Managerial Control, Finance
Julien Lachuer, Jean-Jacques Lilti. La Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise (RSE) : quel impact sur la prime de risque des actions ?. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2019, N°299-300 (299),
Link to the publication (HAL)
Managerial Control, Finance
Julien Lachuer. Performance financière et choix d’actifs responsables : une analyse du marché américain. Gestion et management. Université de Rennes, 2017. Français.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Author(s) : Julien LACHUER
Managerial Control