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Corporate Relations
In order to validate their diploma, our Master 2 students must complete a professional experience (internship or job) starting in April. In order to prepare this in-company experience, IGR-IAE Rennes offers various events and services fully dedicated to building career objectives and the resources to achieve them.
Career Center
The internship office gives all the tools and resources students need in order to look for an internship in a French company, and provides valuable administrative advice.
Each student receives guides in English with general and practical information about internships in France (calendar, legal framework…) and also has access to our School Career Center (by JobTeaser) : a unique platform to help build one’s professional project.
With this Career Center, students can:
build their career objectives : 1,500 corporate videos and 100 chats per year to discover the daily work of employees in companies;
find internship/job offers that fit their criteria among 6,000 internships, full-time and part-time jobs;
- succeed in their job interviews: they can browse company profiles and seek advice from their recruitment experts.
Students are expected to complete their personal workspace in order to:
- keep informed of news of all their favorite companies;
- receive invitations for career events (recruitment, chat online...);
- have access to IGR-IAE 's HR information (Career Fair, professional events...)
- create email alerts (offers or events alerts)
- upload their CV in our CV bank: both the internship office and our partner companies can read it!
Contacts - Intership Office
Tél. 02 23 23 36 04
Camille BONNIN
Tél. 02 23 23 42 79
School Events
IGR-IAE Rennes organizes several events throughout the year that will give the opportunity to international students in our Masters taught in English to start adapting their CV and motivation letters to French companies, experience their first “French style” job interview, meet companies and get a better understanding of the stakes of internationalization: the first step to a successful professional experience in France !
Several events highlight the first semester:
- Each year, IGR-IAE organizes the Career Week: this entire week features conferences or workshops that give students a better understanding of the French job market and the opportunity to start brushing up their CVs and motivation letters
- The Journée de Simulation du Recrutement (Mock Interview Day): a whole day dedicated to practicing interviews. Each year about 60 IGR-IAE alumni and professors, as well as other professionals volunteer at this event. At the end of the mock interview, the advisor will give you immediate feedback on your performance and valuable advice on your CV
- The final event of the Career week is the Forum des Entreprises (Career Day): each year IGR-IAE Rennes hosts a career day, where 60 companies come to meet our students and recruit some of them for internships and jobs.
- In January each year, an International Seminar is organized, giving the opportunity to students to reflect on various international-related topics such as “culture shock” (2019 edition), or “international development and project management” (2018 edition). Visiting professors or professional lecturers lead workshops or give conferences.