Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Optimizing sales mode selection and marketing effort for a B2C marketplace under green product investment uncertainty. Journal of Trade Science , In press.
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Logistics / Production Management
T.T. Nguyen, A. Bekrar, T.M. Le, A. Artiba, T. Chargui, et al.. The Effects of Technology and Innovation Adoption on Firm Performance among Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from Vietnam’s Logistics Sector. Economics and business review, 2024, 10 (4), pp.129-164.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo. CSR implementation for the garment supply chain performance: a system dynamic approach. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2024, Supply Chain Forum, pp.1-20.
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Logistics / Production Management
Atieh Jafarian, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Emmanuelle Fromont. Effect of retailer’s smoothing ordering policy on food waste reduction. 23rd International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Feb 2024, Innsbruck, Austria.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Optimizing sales mode selection and marketing effort for a B2C marketplace under green product investment uncertainty. 3 rd Vietnam Symposium in Supply Chain Management, VSSCM-2024, Oct 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam.
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Gulliver Lux, Emmanuelle Fromont, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Green business: Growth or degrowth to meet IPCC targets? Discussion of an assessment tool: IPCC CAPRO change target. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 420, pp.138364.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Vietnamese Tandamp-A Supply Chain: An Investigation of Practices. journal of Trade science, 2023, Journal of Trade Science, 11 (1), pp.74-88.
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Logistics / Production Management
Emmanuelle Fromont, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Gulliver Lux. Investors’ valuation of corporate CO2 emissions: the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Bankers, Markets and Investors, 2023, 172-173 March-June 2023, pp.15-22.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Atieh Jafarian, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Emmanuelle Fromont. Food waste reduction in food supply chains using a novel replenishment policy. POMS International Conference, Jul 2023, Paris, France.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Dinh Anh Phan. CSR-Driven Financing Services for SME Suppliers on E-commerce Platforms. 2nd Vietnam Symposium in Supply Chain Management (VSSCM-2023), Oct 2023, Hanoi (Vietnam), Vietnam.
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Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Platform financing and CSR performance in an E-commerce marketplace. Journal of Trade Science , 2023, https://www.emerald.com/insight/2815-5793.htm.
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Logistics / Production Management
Franck Moraux, Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Collaborative financing and supply chain coordination for corporate social responsibility. Economic Modelling, 2023, 121, pp.106198.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Christine Petr, Said Hamdann, Thi Le Hoa Vo. The Role of Tolerance in Tourismdevelopment. 11st Conference of the IFBAE Institut Franco-Bresilien d’Administration des Entreprises, 2022.
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Logistics / Production Management
Emmanuelle Fromont, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Gulliver Lux. Impact of GHG Reporting Quality on Investors’ Valuations in a Regulatory Context: The Case of SBF 120 Companies. Comptabilité Contrôle Audit / Accounting Auditing Control, 2022, 28 (1), pp.133-162.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Franck Moraux, Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Corporate Social Responsibility Investment Uncertainty and Risk Aversions in a Marketplace Platform. 22nd International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Feb 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Vietnamese Textile and Apparel Supply Chain: An investigation of practices. VSSCM2022, Oct 2022, Hanoi, Vietnam.
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Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Thi Lan Anh Nguyen. Which contract is more effective to combine with Reverse factoring in improving CSR: Revenue sharing or cost sharing?. VSSCM2022, Oct 2022, Hanoi (Vietnam), Vietnam.
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Emmanuelle Fromont, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Gulliver Lux, Rabab Boutrfass. Investors’ valuation of corporate CO2 emissions: The impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Les Entretiens de la Finance Durable: Les Futurs Possibles, Dec 2022, Paris, France.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Christine Petr, Said Hamdann, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Resident’s perception of tourismdevelopment in Oman. Resident’s perception of tourism development in Oman, 2021.
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Logistics / Production Management
Franck Moraux, D.A. Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Financing and Cost Sharing for a Supply Chain Under CSR – Sensitive Demand. IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2021), Sep 2021, Nantes, France. pp.139-148,
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
D.A. Phan, Franck Moraux, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai. Impact of retail-platform loan programs on the SC performance under CSR dependent stochastic demand. 8th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Interconnected Supply Chains in an Era of Innovation, ILS 2020, Apr 2020, Austin, United States. pp.9-18.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
T.L.A. Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo. CSR implementation for the sustainable supply chain performance: A system dynamic approach. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019, 52 (13), pp.1949-1954.
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Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai. Supply chain coordination under trade credit and retailer effort. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57 (9), pp.2642-2655.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai, Thi Lan Anh Nguyen. Coordinating contracts for VMI systems under manufacturer-CSR and retailer-marketing efforts. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 211, pp.98-118.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai. Modelling the relationship between the CSR investment and the financial performance of capital constrained firms. ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry (DSBFI 2019), Jul 2019, Danang, Vietnam.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai. Sustainable coordination in a consignment channel under manufacturer-CSR and retailer-marketing efforts. 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Feb 2018, Innsbruck, Austria.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Chapter 2 : Continuous Simulation for SCM. Wiley Interscience Publications. Simulation for Supply Chain Management (ed. Thierry C., Thomas A., Bel G.), pp.37-68, 2018, 978-1848210905.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Thi Le Hoa Vo. CSR and supply chain collaboration: a system dynamics approach. The 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Jul 2017, Massachusetts, United States.
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Logistics / Production Management
Dinh Anh Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Anh Ngoc Lai. Coordinating contracts for a capital-constrained supply chain with retailer effort. 7th IESM Conference, Oct 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Jean-Laurent Viviani, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Peut-on arrêter de jouer au « maillon faible » dans la chaîne logistique ? Le financement collaboratif du BFR dans une chaîne logistique est-il possible ?. Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Collaborations et réseaux : approches transversales en management, pp.151-170, 2016, Les réseaux comme solution à certains problèmes des organisations, 978-2-7535-4984-5.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Thi Lan Anh Nguyen. CSR collaboration in multi-level supply chains : a conceptual model. Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique, RIRL2016, Sep 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
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Logistics / Production Management
Jean-Laurent Viviani, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Peut-on arrêter de jouer au « maillon faible » dans la chaîne logistique ? Le financement collaboratif du BFR dans une chaîne logistique est-il possible ?. Congres IAE France, Jun 2015, RENNES, France.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Marie-Pascale Senkel, Bruno Durand, Thi Le Hoa Vo. La mutualisation logistique: entre théories et pratiques. Logistique
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Vincent Hovelaque. Forecasts impacts on sanitary risk during a crisis: a case study. International Journal of Logistics Management, The, 2014, 25 (2), pp.358-378.
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Logistics / Production Management
Marc Gaugain, Jean-Laurent Viviani, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Le financement collaboratif entre client et fournisseur. Un moyen de renforcer la compétitivité des chaînes logistiques. Revue Française de Gestion, 2014, 40 (239), pp.107-120.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Jean-Laurent Viviani, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Financing the newsvendor : a dynamic approach. 18th International Symposium on Inventories, ISIR Symposium, Aug 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Jean-Laurent Viviani, Thi Le Hoa Vo. System dynamics model of supply chain financing. 10th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation – MOSIM’14, Nov 2014, Nancy, France.
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Finance, Logistics / Production Management
Logistics / Production Management
Laurent Bironneau, Thi Le Hoa Vo. 10 ans d’évolution de la recherche et de la pratique en Supply Chain Management : état de l’art et conséquences pour les organisations. F. Moraux, L. Bironneau. Recherches et innovations en sciences de gestion, PUR, pp.187-202, 2013, Des sociétés.
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Logistics / Production Management
Elodie Huré, Hoa Vo, Gérard Cliquet, Bruno Durand. E-SUPPLY CHAIN ET PRODUCTIVITE : LE CAS DE LA DISTRIBUTION ALIMENTAIRE. Revue française de gestion industrielle, 2013.
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Logistics / Production Management
Bruno Durand, Gérard Cliquet, Elodie Huré, Thi Le Hoa Vo. E-Supply Chain et productivité : le cas de la distribution alimentaire. Revue française de gestion industrielle, 2012, 32, pp.27-45.
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Bruno Durand, Marie-Pascale Senkel, Hoa Vo. Le BtoC à l’épreuve de la logistique urbaine : quand la qualité de l’information favorise la mutualisation des livraisons…. Rencontres Internationales de Recherche en Logistique
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Vincent Hovelaque, Laurent Bironneau, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact d’une consommation durable sur les politiques de gestion de stocks. 9e Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique, RIRL2012, Aug 2012, Montréal Québec, Canada.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Economic simulation of a poultry supply chain facing a sanitary crisis. British Food Journal, 2011, 113 (8), pp.1011-1030.
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Elodie Huré, Hoa Vo, Gérard Cliquet, Bruno Durand. Mutations d’activités entre acteurs de la e-supply chain en grande distribution alimentaire : à la recherche de la productivité. 14ème Colloque Etienne THIL, Sep 2011, Roubaix, France.
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Gérard Cliquet, Elodie Huré, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Bruno Durand. E-SUPPLY CHAIN et productivite : le cas de la distribution alimentaire. 14ème colloque E. Thil, Sep 2011, Roubaix, France. 16 p.
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Elodie Huré, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Bruno Durand, Gérard Cliquet. Mutations d’activités entre acteurs de la « e-supply chain » en grande distribution alimentaire : à la recherche de la productivité,. 14ème colloque Etienne Thil, Sep 2011, Roubaix, France.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque. Stratégie de planification et risque sanitaire dans les chaînes agroalimentaires à flux poussés-tirés. 9ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI). Pour un développement sociétal harmonieux, Oct 2011, Saint-Sauveur, Canada.
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Thi Le Hoa Vo, Vincent Hovelaque. Stratégie de planification et risqué sanitaire dans les chaînes agroalimentaires à flux poussés-tirés. 9e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, CIGI2011, St-Sauveur, Oct 2011, Québec (CA), Canada.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Laurent Bironneau. Systèmes d’information et gestion globale de la chaîne logistique : un état de l’art. 2ème journée thématique SILOGIN – Système d’information, logistique, innovation, Nov 2011, Nantes, France. 17 p.
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality in (Q,R) continuous-review lost-sales inventory models. International Journal of Production Economics, 2010, 123, pp.301-311.
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality in (Q,R) continuous-review lost-sales inventory models. International Journal of Production Economics, 2010, 123 (2), pp.301-311.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo. Modélisation dynamique des flux logistiques de la filière avicole française dans un contexte d’influenza aviaire. Revue française de gestion industrielle, 2010, 29 (3), pp.75-97.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo. Simulation et gestion de la chaîne logistique globale dans l’incertain : Application à une filière agro-alimentaire face à la crise sanitaire. Logistique
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality of a multiproduct production line with product priorities. 8th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation – MOSIM’10 “Evaluation and optimization of innovative production systems of goods and services”, May 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia. 7 p.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque. Dimensioning of perishable product buffer stock in food push-pull supply chains. Foodsim’2010 Conference, Jun 2010, Braganca, Portugal. pp.NC.
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Logistics / Production Management
Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality of a multiproduct production line with product priorities. 8th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation – MOSIM’10, Jun 2010, Hammamet (Tunisie), Tunisia.
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Logistics / Production Management
Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque. Dimensioning of perishable product buffer stock in food push-pull supply chain. FOODSIM 2010, European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology (EUROSIS). BEL., Jun 2010, Braganca, Portugal. 5 p.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo. Modélisation dynamique des flux logistiques de la filière avicole française dans un contexte de crise sanitaire. Agoriales 2010, Oct 2010, Paris, France.
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Daniel Thiel, Vincent Hovelaque, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service level quality: a simulation analysis. [University works] auto-saisine. 2009, 26 p.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Dynamic simulation of the chicken supply chain facing Avian Influenza crisis. FOODSIM Conference, EUROSIS, Jun 2008, Dublin, Ireland.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. A system dynamics model of the food supply chain faced with bird flu. System Dynamics Society 2008 Conference, Jul 2008, Athene, Greece.
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Daniel Thiel, Thi Le Hoa Vo. Chapitre 2 : Simulation continue pour la gestion de chaîne logistique. Hermes Science Publications. La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques (ed. Thierry C., Thomas A., Bel G.), pp.59-92, 2008, 978-2-7462-1843-7.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Modélisation dynamique d’une filière avicole dans un contexte d’Influenza Aviaire. 7ème Journées de la Recherche Avicole, INRA, Mar 2007, Tours, France.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect in case of chaotic demand. MASHS Conference, May 2007, Paris, France.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Proposition de la structure d’un modèle de simulation pour analyser le comportement de la filière avicole dans un contexte d’influenza aviaire. Colloque AIM « Instabilité des Systèmes d’Information et de Décision dans les Organisations », Jun 2007, Nantes, France.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Taxonomy of recent population dynamics models of animal infectious diseases. Foodsim’2006, 4th International Conference on Simulation in Food and Bio Industries, EUROSIS, Jun 2006, Naples, Italy.
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Thi Le Hoa Vo, Daniel Thiel. Dynamique des flux logistiques et comportements chaotiques de la filière avicole dans un contexte d’influenza aviaire. Journées du GDR-MACS de Valenciennes, CNRS, novembre 2006, Nov 2006, Valenciennes, France.
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