I conduct research on the conflicts and tensions experienced by employees in organizations and the management of these contradictions: conflicts and emotional involvement of employees in contact with customers in service operations, conflict between work and family life, tensions related to the implementation of new public management. The concepts involved include role theory and autonomous regulation, convention theory, emotional psychology and positive psychology. I now focus on the study of change management in organizations and the evolution of university missions and their contribution to innovation and socio-economic development.
Keywords : human resources management, workplace quality of life, change, public management, innovation, university
Founder of the Master 2: Major in Human Resources Management, Specialization “International Management and skills development”.
Since 2016 : President of the University of Rennes 1
Management of the university and implementation of the policy decided by the Board of Directors ;
Preparation and conclusion of agreements and contracts;
resident of the Board of Directors, of the Academic Council and its commissions;
Authority over all the University staff, subordinate to the competences of the Institutes and Schools Directors; and with responsibility for the staff assignment.
Law Enforcement Responsibility
Preparation and follow-up of the visit of the HCERES evaluation committee (High Council for Evaluation, Research and Higher Education)
Completion of the University’s five-year contract 2017-2021
Member of the University Presidents’ Conference (CPU), the Research Commission, the Resources Commission, the Health Commission and the Training and Professional Integration Commission.
Member of the board of directors and the COMUE Université Bretagne Loire (UBL) Council of Members,
Member of the board of directors of Rennes Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Rennes Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie (ENSCR), Sciences Po Rennes,
Member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Members of the I Site “Digital and Sustainable Society”.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the university hospital of Rennes as a qualified person
2008 – 2012: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Senior Vice President, University of Rennes 1
Distinctions et prix
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