The IGR-IAE Rennes’s M2 IHRM class is coming to an end. And what an end!
Well done to our students, who have been working for several weeks under the supervision of Jacques-François Diouf.
Their task was to answer the following question: ‘What is the right mix of face-to-face and distance learning for hybrid management at Leocare, in order to foster a community of committed employees?’
On the morning of December 18, the students presented the results of their reflections in 5 working groups:
- Organisation and working time/spaces
- Corporate culture and sub-cultures by profession
- On-boarding
- Internal communication and the use of SLACK
- Prevention of psychosocial risks.
Many thanks to Christophe Dandois , Alumni of IGR-IAE Rennes, co-founder and CEO of Leocare and Audrey Talent Acquisition Manager – Career Manager for their feedback to the students: that’s it!
They’re ready to become employees, manage an HR project and negotiate with the management board!