Full Professor

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  • Dean of IGR-IAE Rennes

  • Since 2018: Full professor at IGR-IAE Rennes, University of Rennes 1.
  • Head of the Master of Finance Treasury course
  • Elected member of the Board of Directors
  • Elected member of the scientific board
  • Elected member of the unit board (CREM-UMR CNRS)
  • President of the FNEGE book labelling committee (since September 2016; member of the committee since 2014)
  • 2013-2018 : Full professor at Strasbourg School of Management, University of Strasbourg
  • 2002-2013: Full Professor, Paris IAE, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
  • 1999-2002: Full Professor, IGR-IAE Rennes I University


My main work focuses on how organizational theories can help understand the way the financial industry operates. My articles contribute to a renewed understanding of financial markets and the role played by large financial institutions. The main contribution of this work is to present an institutional perspective of finance, allowing the study of empirical phenomena neglected by the classical approach of financial economics, such as the construction of financial markets and what kind of regulation they are subject to. These reflections lead me today to question ethics in finance, financial regulation and more generally the way in which finance can positively and negatively impact society. My next work will focus on the links between finance and climate change. More generally, I am interested in the impact of non-financial companies on the society.

Courses taught

  • International Financial Management
  • Treasury and International Finance
  • International Corporate Finance
  • Options and derivatives
  • Institutional Finance and Ethics Issues

Teaching Responsibilities

  • 2018 : Head of the Master Tresury, IGR-IAE

Hélène Rainelli, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Recherche en finance : quand la performativité invite à la réflexivité. Gérer et Comprendre. Annales des Mines, 2019, 135 (1), pp.29-41.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Hélène Rainelli, Isabelle Huault. Business as usual on financial markets ? The creation of incommensurable as institutional maintenance work. The making of finance, pp.65-76, 2018,
Link to the publication (HAL)
Celine Berrier-Lucas, Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Note bleue: An historical approach of performative struggles. Organizing in the Shadow of Power, 32nd EGOS Colloqium, Jul 2016, Napoli, Italy.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Yves Moulin, Antony Kuhn, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Valuation on the market for collection stamps: How do Judgement devices survive the move to electronic markets?. 31st EGOS Colloquium – Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, Jul 2015, Athens, Greece.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli. “Excessive speculation” in commodities derivatives markets: Boundary work around acceptable versus non acceptable practices. SASE 26th Annual Conference – The Institutional Foundations of Capitalism, Jul 2014, Chicago, United States.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli. Is Transparency a Value on OTC Markets? Challenging Industry Registers to Escape Categorization. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 2014, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. The Connexionist Nature of Modern Financial Markets. From a Domination to a Justice Order?. New Spirits of Capitalism? Crises, Justifications and Dynamics, pp.181-206, 2013.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Is transparency a value on OTC markets? Using displacement to escape categorization. 2013.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Finance comportementale Le cas des analystes financiers. Encyclopédie des ressources humaines, pp.618-624, 2012.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Finance comportementale : le cas des analystes financiers. José Allouche. Encyclopédie des ressources humaines, Vuibert, pp.618-624, 2012.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Constructing the Market for Credit Derivatives : How Major Investment Banks Handle Ambiguities. Finance : the discreet regulator : how financial activities shape and transform the world, pp.233-260, 2012.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. George A. Akerlof : le comportement des acteurs et le marché. José Allouche. Encyclopédie des ressources humaines, Vuibert, pp.1721-1726, 2012.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. A Market for Weather Risk ? Conflicting Metrics, Attempts at Compromise and Limits to Commensuration. Organization Studies, 2011, 32 (10), pp.1395-1419.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Regulating financial OTC Markets. Struggles around devices. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference, 2011, Madrid, Spain.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Transforming financial OTC Markets. Struggles around categories. Egos colloquium, 2011, Sweden. pp.XX-XX.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. A market for weather risk ? Conflicting metrics, degenerate forms of compromise and limits to commensuration. Institutions justified workshop, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. The connexionist nature of modern financial markets. Challenges to society and possible outcomes.. Egos colloquium, 2010, Lisbonn, Portugal.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Changing worlds; From the efficient market model to modern financial markets. CRESC Conference, 2010, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner. The connexionnist nature of modern financial markets. Challenges and possible outcomes. Egos colloquium, Jul 2010, Portugal.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner. Retour sur la crise financière. gouvernance et structure sociale du marché des dérivés de crédit. L’état des entreprises, La Découverte, pp.45-60, 2009.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner. Market Shaping as an Answer to Ambiguities.. Organization Studies, 2009, 30 (5), pp.549-575.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss. Commodifying the climate ? The long way to the construction of weather derivatives markets.. Egos Colloquium, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner. A market for weather risk ? Worlds in conflict and compromising. EGOS, 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.XXX.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner. L’insoutenable légèreté des banques ?. 2008.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner. Innovations financières : construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2007, pp.55-78.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner. Old risk, new market : constructing the over-the counter financial market for credit derivatives. 2007, Vienne, Austria. pp.xx-xxx.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner. Regulation and Normalization on a globalized financial market: the case for credit derivatives. 2006, Bergen, Norway. pp.xx-xxx.
Link to the publication (HAL)
Isabelle Huault, Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner. The role of risk redifinition in the social construction of a financial market. 2006, Paris, France. pp.xx-xxx.
Link to the publication (HAL)


Articles published in peer-reviewed journals

  • 2019: ” Research in finance: when performativity inspires reflexivity “, Gérer et comprendre, March.
  • 2016: “Business as usual in financial markets? The creation of incommensurables as institutional maintenance work”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault, Organization Studies, vol. 37, 7: pp. 991-1015
  • 2016: “Problems and issues of financial regulation”, Revue Cités n°64, p 73-82.
  • 2011: ” A Market for weather risk? Conflicting metrics, attempts to compromise and limits to commensuration”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault, Organization Studies, October, Vol. 32. issue 10, 1395-1419.
  • 2009: “Market Shaping as an Answer to Ambiguities: the case of credit derivatives”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault, Organization Studies, May, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p549-575
  • 2008 : Corporate Finance: new voices and new paths, Finance Contrôle l Strategy, Sept, p 41-70
  • 2007 : ” Financial innovations : Building and legitimizing a new OTC financial market – the case of credit derivatives”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, March, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p211-243
  • 2006 : Review of the article « Financial theory: a 50-year parenthesis?”in the special issue of Problèmes économiques dedicated to “debates in economics”, November. Article selected for the 2007 Risque-les Echos prize.
  • 2006 : ” Financial theory: a 50-year parenthesis “Gérer et Comprendre, June.
  • 2006: “Finance and Ethics: the reason for silence”, Finance &/and Common Good / Bien commun, Spring/Summer Issue 24, p20-27
  • 1999 “Beta, size and return: a study on the French Stock Exchange”, in collaboration with J.J. Lilti , Applied Financial Economics, Feb, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p13-20
  • 1996: “The valuation of interest rate swaps”, Finance, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p31-46
  • 1996: “Evaluating interest rate swaps”, Banque et marchés.




2007 : When organizations examine management models, L’Harmattan, coordinated by H. Rainelli-Le Montagner.
2003 : Nature and duties of financial theory, PUF Finance


Contributions to collective works


2018 : ” What makes a price a price : commensuration on financial markets “, with I. Huault, in The Making of Finance: Perspectives from the social sciences, I. Chambost, M. Lenglet & Y. Taddjedine, Routledge.
2018: “Justifying the income of the working rich: the case of traders’ bonuses”, in collaboration with F.Noël, Rémunération : enjeux de gestion et débats de société en France et à l’étranger, Economica; best book award in the collective research book category, FNEGE EFMD 2018
2013: “The connexionist nature of modern financial markets: From a domination to a justice order?”, with Isabelle Huault, in New Spirits of Capitalism Crises, Justification and Dynamics, Glenn Morgan and Paul Du Gay eds, Oxford University Press.
2013: “Constructing the Market for Credit Derivatives. How Major Investment Banks Handle Ambiguities,” with Isabelle Huault, in The discreet regulator, Isabelle Huault and Chrystelle Richard, eds, Palgrave Mac Millan.
2012 : ” Behavioral finance: the case of financial analysts “, Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, dir J. Allouche, Vuibert, 3rd edition
2012 : ” Akerlof “, Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, dir J. Allouche ,Vuibert, 3rd edition
2009 : ” Is the new finance a critical finance ? “in Une perspective critique du management, coordinated by Damon Golsorkhi (ESC Rouen), Isabelle Huault (Université de Paris Dauphine), Bernard Leca (University of Nottingham), Presses Universitaires de Laval.
2009: “Who benefits from the new financial markets? “in L’Etat des entreprises, Repères, La Découverte, [2009], with I. Huault
2008 : ” The new challenges of financial theory “, Management-Fondements et renouvellements- Editions Sciences humaines.
2008 : ” We must let the financial markets self-regulate. “, Petit Bréviaire des idées reçues en Management, Anne Pezet et Samuel Sponem eds, La Découverte
2006 : ” Behavioral finance: the case of financial analysts “, Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, Vuibert, 2nd edition.
2006 : 50 years of financial theory …and much more practice, 50 years of Management, Pearson.
2002 : “Markets and Men”, Sciences et Pratiques Managériales, Actes des 16ièmes journées des IAE, Economica.
2002 : ” For an understanding approach of management sciences “, in collaboration with Dominique Martin, Sciences et Pratiques Managériales, Actes des 16ième journées des IAE, Economica.
2000 : ” Research and practices in market finance: overview and perspectives “, in Recherche et pratiques en gestion, dir. B.Amann, Y.Dupuy, J.J. Rigal, Dalloz.



Egos, Edimburgh, July 5-7, 2019, “What you understand well, you
enunciate clearly “: definition processes and complexity in financial regulation
Egos, Copenhagen, July 5-7, 2017, “Financial Fictions: stories without morals?”
Egos, Athens, July 4-6, 2015, “Valuation on the market for collection stamps: How do Judgement devices survive the move to electronic markets?”, in collaboration with Antony Kuhn et Yves Moulin.
Egos, Rotterdam, July 5-7, 2014, “Excessive” speculation in commodities derivatives markets:Constructing sustainable financial markets over history”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
Egos, Montreal, July 5-7, 2013, “Excessive” speculation in commodities futures and options markets: Of the instrumentation of an ambiguous category ”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
Egos, Montreal, July 5-7, 2013, Can financial executives bonuses still be justified? Reflections on the impact of the financial crisis on a widespread practice”, in collaboration with Florent Noel
SASE, Milan, June 26-29, 2013, Can financial executives bonuses still be justified? Reflections on the impact of the financial crisis on a widespread practice”, in collaboration with Florent Noel
Workshop “Society-conventions-organizations”, Innsbruck, April 11/12, 2013, “Can financial executives bonuses still be justified? Reflections on the impact of the financial crisis on a widespread practice”, in collaboration with Florent Noel.
EGOS, Helsinki, July 5-7, 2012, “Is transparency a value on OTC markets: contesting industry register to resist categorisation” in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
EGOS, Helsinki, July 5-7, 2012, “Take the money and run?: a pragmatist sociology interpretation of the debate on traders’remuneration” in collaboration with Florent Noel
Scientific Morning Conference/Matinale Scientifique, Europlace Institute of Finance, Markets role and organization, November 16, 2011, Palais Brongniart, Paris, “Transforming Financial OTC markets”, in collaboration with I. Huault.
EGOS, Götheborg, July 5-7, 2011, “Transforming Financial OTC Markets: Struggles around devices and categories” in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
SASE, Madrid, July 23-25, 2011, “Transforming Financial OTC Markets: Struggles around devices and categories” in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
EGOS, Lisbonne, July 4-7, 2010, “The connexionnist nature of modern financial markets”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
EGOS, Barcelone, July 2-4, 2009, « A Market for weather risk? Worlds in conflicts and compromising”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
Europlace, Paris, December 17, 2008, « A Market for weather risk? Worlds in conflicts and compromising”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
AFFI, Paris, December 18, 2008, « A Market for weather risk? Worlds in conflicts and compromising”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
EGOS, Amsterdam, July 10-12, 2008, « A Market for weather risk? Worlds in conflicts and compromising”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
EGOS, Vienne, July 5-7, 2007, Old Risk, New market:
constructing the over-the-counter financial market
for credit derivatives, article in collaboration with Isabelle Huault
AFFI, December 18-19, 2006, Constructing a globalized over-the-counter financial market: Limits of performativity and problems of cognitive framing, article in collaboration with Isabelle Huault.
EGOS, Bergen, July 5- 7, 2006, Constructing a globalized over-the-counter financial market: Limits of performativity and problems of cognitive framing, article in collaboration with Isabelle Huault.

Activities and scientific outreach


2021: Member of the Jury – FNEGE Transdisciplinary Thesis Prize
2015 : President of the HCERES (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) evaluation committee of the NIMEC research unit (University of Rouen)
2014: President of the AERES (Research and Higher Education Evaluation Agency) committee of the LGCO research unit (University of Toulouse III- Paul Sabatier)
2013: Member of the French AERES (Research and Higher Education Evaluation Agency) committee of the LITEM research unit (Grenoble School of Management- Telecom School of Management- University of Evry Val d’Essone)
2004-2007: Vice-president of the National Council of Universities 6th section, professors college.


Contributions to research in management sciences, CEFAG, Seminar Design of Research, La Baule (distance learning), 2016-2021
Qualitative Research Methods seminar, “Writing a qualitative research proposal, appraisal issues in qualitative research, ethical concerns”, 2014-2018

Thesis supervision

Defended theses

2021 : Marie Lemaire, Activist worker’s responses to tensions in hybrid organizations : The case of Solidarity Economy.
Marie Lemaire is currently an Teaching and Research Fellow at Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies.

2020 : Sylvestre Frezal, On the use of statistics for the management and regulation of risks in insurance
Sylvestre Frezal, after an academic break, has resumed his activities in the insurance sector. He is the chief of staff of the president of Covéa

2016 : Margit Münzer, Financial market regulation in the aftermath of the financial crisis – three essays on structural banking reforms, Thesis in Joint Supervision with the University of Cologne in Germany.
Margit Munzer is currently an Associate Professor at the Aix en Provence IAE.

2014 : Florian Richard Dap, The institutionalization of global risk management in France, IAE de Paris- Université Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne
Florian Richard Dap continued his career as a risk management consultant after his thesis.

2010 : Erkin Diyarbakirlioglu, Essays on international portfolio diversification, IAE de Paris – Université Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne
Erkin Diyarbakirlioglu is currently an Associate Professor at the IAE of Créteil.

2006 : Larry Bensimhon ” Excess of confidence and informational mimicry in equity markets”, IAE de Paris – Université Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne. Honorable mention with congratulations of the jury.
Larry Bensimhon is currently an Associate Professor at CNAM engineering school in Paris

2005 : Viet-Dung N’Guyen ” Evaluation of new high-tech companies : the importance of information disclosure on intangible assets “, IAE de Paris – University Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne. Honorable mention with congratulations of the jury.
Viet-Dung N’Guyen is now a professor at Hanoi Foreign Trade University.

2002 : Angélique AUBIER ” Understanding and managing liquidity as a financial risk “, University of Rennes 1.
Angélique Piron Aubier is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Angers

Reporter or president of thesis juries

Anne-Laure Le Nadant, 2000, University of Rennes 1; Frédéric Perdreau, 2000, University of Rennes 1; Kaïs Lassoued, 2001, University of Rennes 1; Michael Kaestner, 2004, University of Montpellier 2; Henri Philippe, 2004, University of Paris Dauphine; Anne Stévenot, 2005, University of Nancy 2; Emmanuelle Fromont, 2005, University of Rennes 1; Nathalie Abi Saleh, 2006, IAE de Paris; Sylvain Marsat, 2006, University of Clermont 1; Annabel Azoulay, 2007, HEC; Mohamed Zouaoui, 2007, University of Grenoble 2; Marc Lenglet, 2009, University of Paris Dauphine; Olfa El Aoun, 2009, University of Dijon; Shaneera Boolell Gunesh, 2009, University of Strasbourg; Abdelouahid Assaidi, 2009, CNAM; Khalid ElBadraoui, 2009, University of Rennes 1; Olivier de Lagarde, 2010, University of Paris Dauphine; Lin Ma, 2010, Université Lille 1; Jacques-Olivier Charron, 2010, CNAM; Simon Cornée, 2011, Université Rennes 1; Raoudha Bajaoui Rouissi, 2011, Université de Rennes 1; Benjamin Taupin, 2011, Université de Paris Dauphine; Mamadou Toe, Université Paris 12; C. Duneufgermain, 2012, University of Amiens; V. Moskalu, University of Lorraine, 2012; C. Baud, 2013; HEC; L. Paolella, 2014, HEC; M H LE, 2015, Université de Lorraine; D Tawil, 2015, Université de Rennes 1; H. Lambrix, 2015, Université Paris Dauphine; S Aziz, 2016, Université de Rennes 1; S Li, 2016, Université de Grenoble; Carine Girard, Université de Strasbourg (HDR Jury Member) 2016; Sylvaine Castellano (HDR accreditation to supervise research, Université de Nice); D Lambert, June 2017, ESSEC; Wenting Jiao, September 2017, Rennes 1; J. Lachuer, November 2017, Rennes 1; M. Topalli, January 2018, University of Lorraine; Pierre Lecoat, ESCP, Avirl 2019; Diane-Laure Parpaleix, Ecoles des Mines, May 2019; Simon Cornée (accreditation to supervise research), University of Rennes 1; Nicolas Mauhé, University of Bordeaux (2020); Hoang N’Guyen (2020), University of Rennes 1


Winner of research grants/awards

2014-2018 : Participation in the ANR project “Impact”, coordinated by Eva Boxenbaum, Schools of Mines.
2010: Europlace research grant: project on OTC markets (in collaboration with Isabelle Huault).
2008: Participation in the ANR project “The social construction of interfaces: the case of emerging financial activities”, in collaboration with Isabelle Huault).
2007: Europlace research grant: project on climate derivatives (in collaboration with Isabelle Huault).

Reading committees & academic associations

  • Reviewer for the Organization Studies journal
  • Reviewer for the CCA journal
  • Reviewer for the Business and Politics journal
  • Reviewer for RFG journal.
  • Reviewer for the management international journal

Academic associations

Member of EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies)
Member of AFFI (Association Française de Finance)

Dérèglement climatique : l’influence de l’opinion publique sur les pratiques environnementales et sur les contraintes et performances financières des entreprises des industries extractives de combustibles fossiles.
PhD student : CELLOU MARIE
Date : 04/12/2024
PhD supervisor : Hélène RAINELLI WEISS