Le premier séminaire CREM/IGR-IAE Rennes Eat &Think de l’année 2025 aura lieu le mardi 28 janvier à 12h30.
Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Dr. Kadigia Faccin, enseignante-chercheuse à la Fundação Dom Cabral au Brésil.
Kadigia se consacre à l’étude des startups et des PME, en explorant les défis qu’elles rencontrent pour se développer et rester compétitives grâce à des stratégies d’innovation. Lors du prochain séminaire Eat & Think, Kadigia partagera l’un de ses travaux portant sur la gouvernance des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux.
Does Governance of EE matter for startup´s performance?
This study investigates the role of governance in entrepreneurial ecosystems and its impact on the performance of startups. We employed structural equation modeling, analyzing data collected from 245 startups. Our findings indicate that specific elements – innovation infrastructure, social interaction, quality of life, and a supportive institutional and legal environment – exert a positive influence on collaborative governance within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Moreover, the same three elements demonstrate an indirect relationship with knowledge acquisition in startups, mediated by collaborative governance. We highlighted that the role of collaborative governance in entrepreneurial ecosystems is: a) to establish policies, norms, and guidelines that guide the access and use of the existing innovation infrastructure in the ecosystem; b) to act as a catalyst to maximize the benefits of the local social capital and enable effective advocacy for legislative changes and the creation of policies and support mechanisms that are more aligned with the needs and objectives of the ecosystem. The results also indicate that only financial capital and infrastructure for innovation have a direct and significant effect on knowledge acquisition and we confirm that knowledge acquisition significantly enhances startup performance. Finally, we confirm that governance of entrepreneurial ecosystem matters for startup performance.
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ID de réunion: 632 4802 8583
Code secret: 886763